I had the privilege of meeting a new friend through our own respective blogs. She's local and just moved (last fall) to a new house about 2 miles away from me. And of course they moved right around the time their little baby Claire was born. (I shudder to think what they went through having a new baby and moving!!!!)
After reading
her blog and getting to know her through e-mails and messages, I was THRILLED when I got to photograph their new little baby girl.
Now with newborn shoots, I usually ALWAYS hold 2-3 hours for the actual shoot. Babies will do what they darn-well please (eat, poop, sleep, cry, be grumpy, etc.) whenever they darn-well please! Well, this shoot was shorter due to time commitments but I have to say...I think the few that I took turned out pretty darn well.
She's a cutie, and their little family is so wonderful and happy. Hopefully I'll be their photographer for the next babies that come their way....and get to watch and photograph them all through their lives.
Enjoy some of my favorites! Starting with my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE shot of the day. I just love taking pictures of nursing babies. Not the graphic ones or the ones nobody wants to look at. But this image is so beautiful. You know what's happening, you know it's beautiful, and it's just so PEACEFUL!
Nothing indecent about it. I always try to assure my new moms that if you nurse, let's try and get a shot of this moment. I wish there was a picture of me feeding G-Man ....because I miss it so much with him. By far one of the best things about having a baby (in my own opinion)...the nursing and bonding that comes with it.
I want the moms to be comfortable, so if they are uneasy about it, I assure them that I'm not going to get anything graphic on there (stretch marks, fat rolls, back fat, nipple shots) and I'll show the images to them on my camera after I take them. If they hate them and don't want them...I delete them from the camera right then. I usually leave the room and let them get situated (babies latched on, stomach covered, no exposure of anything you don't want photographed, etc.) and then come back and start capturing the moment. ANYTHING TO MAKE MOM FEEL COMFORTABLE.
BECAUSE TRUST ME....nobody wants an image of themselves looking gross (in their eyes) or to be sitting stiff and uncomfortable worried what your photographer is taking pictures of. But this image is gorgeous, so I think they know what I'm trying to get here. :)