It's funny how I can go through old pictures and run across a photo that I've always liked...but didn't absolutely love.
This was all before my beloved Photoshop entered the picture.
So I'm going through some older photos (last summer) and came across this photo that I always liked...but didn't love in color. I tweaked it, cropped it, edited some dirt off of his face, and changed it to black and white.
A prime example on how a few edits can make a good picture GREAT! I love his eyes in this photo...and the fact that the freckles on his nose are really prominent. And the color before made his hair really red and crazy...but b&w it makes it perfect.
Now I'm on the hunt for other old photos that I liked....but didn't love. ENJOY!...and dig out your old photos to edit. Trust's fun!
Great photo! I totally do that with my photos too. A little crop action and some small fixes and it is amazing the change that can happen!
I love how the light is hitting his eyelashes. :-) I love editing my old photos too... although, it makes me wish I had upgraded from point and shoot to dslr earlier.
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