Monday, June 23, 2008

Busy Little Bee...

Boy...I've been a busy little bee lately. Not that I'm complaining.

Remember my lovely graphic designer friend who is my saving grace?!?!?! Well, I took photos of her kiddos on Saturday. Kinda as a re-payment for the work that she's done for me. And boy has she done a lot of work for me.

First things first....her kids are abso-freakin-lutely adorable!

I photographed her two kids, as well as her neice and nephew. We were working on getting a photo of the four of them together (for Brooke's mom) and I think we got a couple. A really fun one...and a good one for her wall (although I'd hang the funny one on my wall!).

Her daughter is so beautiful, that I couldn't help but continually take photos of her. Her son is so handsome...but not very interested in smiling for photos. :) Ah...a 4-year old boy. Aren't they all the same?

So, enjoy the photos....these are some of my favorites. These kids made it easy on me!!!!


Melissa said...


Kate Ambrose said...

Great photos!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, it's so nice to "meet" someone else from Indy!

Can I ask how you found my blog? I'll certainly be checking yours regularly now.

We are trying to figure out someone to take maternity pictures at the moment... :)

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