Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Family Fun

So since swimming is over and the 10m diving has yet to start, let's get some client photos out of the way.

I shouldn't say "out of the way"...because I think they are terrific and I'm very proud of them. I should just say that "during this lull in my Olympic coverage, I'd love to share with you some client photos I've taken recently".

There...how's that. :)

So the other day I had a family session AND a senior session (the senior was a part of the family) and had about 3.5 hours of shooting and endless time spent editing. I've figured out that my home computer monitor is different than my work computer monitor...and some of my client's computer monitors.

Some images are too light....some are too dark....and I'm having a hard time finding a good balance. I tend to like the light, airy photos....and sometimes they come across as being "blown out" and "overexposed".

So, I'm working on it.

I'll share some of the senior ones later...but these are my favorites of the family.

And let me tell you what....I absolutely LOVE doing family portraits (especially this fun family) and one of the best things I love about doing families...is getting the mom & dad photos!

Most of the time...they're concerned with getting family shots....or kid shots....but rarely do they think of Mom/Dad shots. And let's be honest here...how many times do you just take photos of the parents?

Not very often. And I absolutely love my parent shots.

Like these!

There were a few that I didn't post of them...because I'm not sure they'd appreciate them shown to the Internet (they were funny!...and a little graphic! Like I said...they were FUN!). So you'll just have to enjoy the good, family-friendly ones.

And they sure make a pretty family.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

These photos are WONDERFUL. What a beautiful family.

The photos on my monitor look perfect, not too dark and not overblown. I worry about this too. My photos look much darker on my montior at work. So I wonder if my monitor setting need to be adjusted. Have you ever looked into the monitor calibration?

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