Thursday, August 7, 2008

Giving Gifts Part II

I absolutely, positively love giving people the gift of photographs. Remember Teri? Yeah. The best present ever. Or at least to her....and to me if I were to request one single gift.

Most people don't think of getting photos of their kids/families done to cherish forever. Or if they do...they go to Sears or Target or Wal-Mart for their cheesy portraits.

Now, I'm not knocking those type of places. I myself went there on numerous occasions (3!) when G-Man was 3, 6 and 9 months old. I didn't know any better. And I didn't own my kick-ass camera then.

Kid #2 is going to have kick-ass baby portraits. If Kid #2 ever decides to grace my womb.


So, back to the topic at hand. Most department store portrait studios use flash, cheesy backdrops, and un-natural poses. That is not what I provide. And most people don't even think twice about taking them to these places and don't venture out into the land of "jvw photography" and other awesome places/photographers Indianapolis has to offer.

When I got a birthday invitation from a good friend of ours the other day...inviting us to her two daughters' birthday party, I got a wild idea to give this to her as a gift. Her and her husband are very close to us, and we love them very much. Their kids are adorable and I knew she would cherish this forever.

So I sent her a quick message and asked if I could photograph her entire family. I caught her just in time. They had an appointment at a portrait studio in the mall set for last week and I told her immediately to cancel it. I would do it for FREE. And they would be better than what she would have gotten! (If I say so myself)

They all came over last weekend and we did our shoot. Boy, she makes pretty, toe-headed babies. And talk about blue eyes! Her husband will have to beat the boys off with a stick!

So, without further adieu....I give you the Ray Family! BTW...I absolutely LOVE the girl's matching tops! Adorable!



Melissa said...

Ok... Like, a GAZILLION times better than the 'mall portrait studios'. They are beautiful, beautiful, beatiful!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Hey, I think I might know those people... :)

Great shots Julie!

Anonymous said...

Those are great, Julie!!

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