Thursday, September 25, 2008

Needing some prayers today....

Hey everyone! I'm asking for any and all prayers today!

My sister-in-law, Savonna Matthews has been on the kidney transplant waiting list for over a year. She has been diabetic since age 12 (she's currently 36) and has been on dialysis for over a year as well.

Well, she got a phone call this morning from the IU Med Center (in Indpls....she lives an hour east of here in Richmond, IN) to come in for further testing. Apparently she and another person are the closest match for this kidney, and after further testing, whoever is the closest gets this kidney...TODAY.

So I pray for her to get this kidney. I pray for the other family who is ALSO praying for their family member to get the kidney. And I pray for the lost soul who lost their life today and was an organ donor.

So I have been calling and e-mailing and texting everyone I know to ask for prayers for Savonna. She has a 7-year old daughter (my niece) who has struggled through life dealing with her mother's illness (who had a baby against dr.'s wishes...think Steel Magnolias).

So, any prayers or prayer-list additions would be very grateful right now. My husband called me in tears and told me to call everyone I know and to PRAY HARD.

So, that's what I'm doing.

I will keep you all posted on what's happening...we should know something soon!


Kate Ambrose said...

Oh, what a situation!

I'll be praying, Julie.


Lindsey said...

Wow,hope it all goes well for her!

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