Friday, June 27, 2008
Giving Gifts...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
101 in 1001
So, we all know that I'm crazy...and that I like to do fun, little things. So when I heard about the 101 in 1001...I knew this was something for me to do.
It's 101 things to do in 1001 days.
Yes. I'm crazy. But won't this be fun!
I made my list of 101 things ( REALLY, REALLY hard), and now I'm going to stick with it. Wish me luck...and check back for updates on my 101 in 1001!
Start Date: June 26th, 2008
End Date: March 24th, 2011
1. Arrange, set up and decorate my home office space.
2. Get pregnant with my 2nd child.
3. Redesign Make it Professional with a Capital "P"!
4. Host a fantastic Christmas party at the house for all our friends & family.
5. Go to California to visit my friend Laura.
6. Stay at luxury resort and go to the spa.
7. Organize all the photo cd's I have and consolidate them onto a few cd's.
8. Get a BIG external hard drive for my computer and all my pictures.
9. Finish G-Man's 2nd year scrapbook.
10. Start G-Man's 3rd year scrapbook.
11. Go to Disney World.
12. Complete the 365 day challenge in Flickr.
13. Have neighbors over for dinner.
14. Complete 10 years at my day job.
15. Set up a booth at the Indianapolis Home Show to advertise my business.
16. Get trendy camera case for all my junk.
17. Do something fabulous for my 30th birthday.
18. Book 50 clients a year.
19. Book 100 clients a year.
20. Make cool artwork with G-Man for my laundry room.
21. Print and hang up my favorite photos of clients in my home office.
22. Meet a blog-friend in person that I have only corresponded with.
23. Buy a cool photo printer.
24. Go fishing.
25. Send out birthday cards and coupons to past clients and their children.
26. Visit a state I haven't been to yet.
27. Set up referral system discount/coupon.
28. Become a vegetarian for 2 weeks. See how I like it.
29. Install window coverings in my house.
30. Buy a cool Macro lens. Completed 7-9-08.
31. Go back to Chicago.
32. Lose some weight so I can get to my goal of 150 lbs.
33. Take photos of my parents.
34. Enroll G-Man in some swimming lessons.
35. Build screened-in porch.
36. Get one huge photo done of all the grandkids. A good one.
37. Have another baby.
38. Blog every day for a month.
39. Document G-Man's first day of school.
40. Take a workshop given by Audrey Woulard.
41. Decorate guest bedroom.
42. Do a blurb photo book of my favorite recipes.
43. Go on a weekend trip with my mom and sister…no kids.
44. Build a snowman with G-Man.
45. Go camping. Completed 8-22-08
46. Have all my nieces and nephews over to spend the night. That's 7. 8 includes my own child. YIKES!
47. Go to a vineyard in Napa Valley.
48. Set up a booth at county fair(s) to promote my business.
49. Enter some photos in a print competition.
50. Go horseback riding.
51. Get a photo of mine published in any magazine.
52. Implement surveys and gather client feedback.
53. Go to Florida.
54. Read one book per month for 3 months to benefit my business.
55. Go to BlogHer.
56. Start and complete one difficult jigsaw puzzle.
57. Get canvas prints made.
58. Rent a cabin on a lake in Michigan for a week with my entire family.
59. Get awesome logo made for jvw photography.
60. Have the Lasik eye surgery done on both eyes.
61. Hire someone to clean my house bi-weekly.
62. Get awesome business cards made for my business.
63. Decorate guest bathroom.
64. Take photos of someone famous (and/or their kids).
65. Get cool customized stamps for snail mail communications with my clients.
66. Get postcards made with advertisement for my business.
67. Read the Bible. The entire thing!
68. Visit the Grand Canyon.
69. Design and promote custom Christmas cards for clients with their newly taken images.
70. Take a pilates class.
71. Advertise and do coupon in Neighborhood coupon pack - Avon/Brownsburg.
72. Buy more "props" for photos with kids/babies.
73. Go to a concert.
74. Get a dog.
75. Get a makeover and get all new (not drugstore cheap) makeup.
76. Design and promote custom birth announcements for clients with their newly taken images.
77. Get a facial (or give myself one if my hubby complains too much) every month for a year.
78. Gotta pamper your face!
79. Advertise in Indianapolis Monthly magazine.
80. Organize/catalog all my books.
81. Finish decorating G-Man's bedroom.
82. Learn how to sew on a button and fix a hem.
83. Try 10 new restaurants in Indianapolis. (Progress: Elements)
84. Meet The Pioneer Woman!
85. Go to Canada. Why? I don't know…but I should visit my neighbors (already did Mexico!)
86. Floss every day for 3 months. Maybe it will become a habit?
87. Visit New York City.
88. Try out and cook 1 new recipe at home every week for 12 weeks.
89. Create and give away customized business cards for clients (with their images on them).
90. Have mini sessions available for clients.
91. Subscribe to photography magazine.
92. Get my grandmother's ruby ring remounted so I'll wear it.
93. Promote my work in a business already established (wall of photos, business cards, etc.)
94. Start advertising at local hospital for newborn pictures.
95. Take self-portrait every week for a year. Post it on my blog.
96. Go to a Bingo night. I love Bingo!
97. Start recycling our home aluminum cans.
98. Have themed mini sessions (Christmas tree farm, orchard, pumpkin patch, etc.) available for clients. BOOK TODAY!
99. Decal for my SUV windows with my business information…Is this corny?!?!?!
100. Walk/jog/exercise 3 times a week for 6 months.
101. Build/buy shelving unit in our playroom corner of our loft.
So...what do you guys think? Doable? Corny? Are you guys pumped and excited to read about my 101 items?
Hello? Anyone there? Do I hear crickets chirping? Hellllllllllloooooooooooooo??????????
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Summer Favorites
So far this summer...we've (meaning G-Man) come across a few favorites. I thought I'd share them with you...
1. Daddy (oh we love our daddy. I have quickly fallen from favorite parent to barely-tolerated mother.) But this barely-tolerated mother is the one who gave him those gorgeous blue eyes.
2. Licking. Don't ask me why...but G-Man licks us whenever possible. Could be our reaction to the licking that tickles him to I'm sure it's entirely our fault.
3. Diet Coke. Now...he's always enjoyed playing with our diet coke cans...and very rarely gets caffeine-free diet coke. I think he likes to pretend he likes it...but really doesn't. Mostly he just sucks the residue from around the lid after we drink. could be the the addiction to the diet coke he got hooked on when he just learned to walk around holding onto furniture...and he was walking around our coffee table and I came into the room to see him slurping the Biggie Diet Coke from Wendy's that Travis left on the table. When he was about 10 months old. OOPS!
4. Chips. God...the boy loves chips. And dip. But not any dip (well yeah...really any kind of dip)...but his favorite is French Onion Dip. Gah....the breath!
5. Basketball. In our sloped driveway. So I'm constantly running after the ball down our driveway. Hey...surely I'm burning thousands of calories doing this so it balances out all the food I've been stuffing in my mouth lately. Diet? What diet?
6. Popsicles. Or should I say the popsicle-mouth-residue. Every kid needs to eat Flavor-Ice. It's a rule.
So, these are just some of our activities this spring/summer. I'm sure I'll post more later on our other activities...but this is our Summer Activity I.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Busy Little Bee...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Good Weather....Good Photos!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Blah. It's how I felt about the colors of my old blog and my old website. B-L-A-H.