Monday, October 13, 2008


#11....Go to Disney World.

Well, I can FINALLY cross #11 off of my list of 101 in 1001. We hit the good old Disney World for 2 days...September 28th & 29th. First up....Animal Kingdom (this post). Lastly....Magic Kingdom (another post coming up soon).

We got to Animal Kingdom around noon (after a tour of a timeshare place...all to get SUPER discounted Disney tickets) and it was hot. REALLY HOT. First up....RENT A STROLLER. Because I am NOT going to carry around a 45 pound child all over Disney...with a bad back.

Animal Kingdom is shady, enclosed in a forest-like atmosphere, and not ANYTHING like Magic Kingdom.

We loved it. The animals, the rides, the atmosphere, the EVERYTHING. Great way to kick off day-1 of our trip.

I won't bore you with ALL the photos from our trip...just a few highlights.

The scenery:

The safari (which G LOVED...and was fantastic...and again, won't bore you with zoo-type pictures):
The HATS (Lordy, Lordy...Disney makes great hats...and I had fun playing dress-up with G. Disregard the Minnie witch's hat):
The ice cream! (The chocolate bar is mine...just giving it to G to pose with it):
And lastly....The parade! (you can tell he's getting tired at this point!):

1 comment:

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

What I find funny is that it looks more like Travis is tired than G. Hilarious!

I'm glad you guys had such a good time, looks like lots of fun!

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