Wednesday, October 1, 2008


# 57. Get canvas prints made.

Yet another thing I can mark off my list of 101 in 1001.

I started using the company Simply Canvas for all of my canvas prints...and I have to say...they live up to their reputation.

I had a client who wanted a big print of her daughters. And I of course wanted a big photo of G-Man for my office wall.

Let me just say....BIGGER IS BETTER. Bigger CANVASES are better.

These are awesome. I love them. My clients love them. And anyone who ever sees them fall in love with them. So if any clients out there want some AWESOME canvases made of their me! I'd be happy to give you ALL the details...AND all the pricing info. Sizes can be anything from an a 40x80!!!! They are so fantastic...I can't wait to see my other images portrayed on canvas!


Melissa said...

Oooooh, I've been wanting to purchase some canvas prints of Ro for a long time.

That canvas print of G looks fabulous!

Kate Ambrose said...

Beautiful! I've always wanted a canvas wedding print. Those look exceptional! :)

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