Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Summer Activity II - The Slip 'N' Slide

I do believe these pictures say it all...but I'll go ahead and give you a little background. [I love this shot of him...'eyeing' the field.]

G-Man got this Cars Slip n Slide for his 3rd birthday and I hid it in a closet in hopes that he would forget about it.

Well, he did forget about it...until he found it not too long ago. It sat in the box, in the loft, and he gazed longingly at it every so often.

The other day...I caved and thought to set it up outside. We blew it up, set it up, and couldn't get the stakes to go into our hard-as-rock dirt out in our front yard. And you really can't have the stakes sticking up because they will rip your arms/legs/nose off as you go slippity-sliding down the slip-in-slide.

So, it was really a mushy, bunched up slide that wasn't staked down.

Oh...and the hose water was 42 degrees.


So, G-Man went down the "slide" 1 time and that was it. It now currently resides bunched up in our dirty garage. Oh well...maybe we'll get it out, dust the cobwebs off, and play with it again. If not...I'm okay with that. I've got some cute pictures to remember the 3 minutes of play. By the way...I love my "sports" setting on my camera. Great action shots!!!!


Melissa said...

Hey, if G-man doesn't want his slip'n slide anymore, ship it to me... I think it looks like the perfect way to cool off in the 100
+ degree weather we have been having lately... I'd even take the 42 degree water... Ah, sounds refreshing.

These pics are clasic!

Donna Boucher said...

So much fun!

I can't wait to see your canvases!

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