Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Last week I spoke more about Michael Phelps than I did about my husband and son, COMBINED.

Yes, I have a problem....but I am now finally getting caught up on my sleep. Track and Field doesn't really do much for me so I can get to sleep before midnight now. Thank goodness. I have been tired since 8/8/08.

So anyway, enjoy my favorite athlete in the world. I think what makes him so special (to me) and sweet is the way he's such a great sportsman. And a great son (who loves his mother to death...did anyone see the interview with his mom the other day?!?!?! Awwwww.....). And he's not too hard to look at, either.

And please don't laugh too hard...but I'm seriously considering buying the DVD about him and his Olympics journey. Just don't tell my husband. He thinks I'm nuts.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You're no dork. Seriously, his story has captivated the entire world. He is amazing and inspiring!

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