Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More Sprinkers, Nasty Eyeballs & Fiery Sparklers

So...Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!!!.....4 days later. Oops! Better late than never!

Life has been hectic and crazy. I have never been to Wal-Mart more in a 4-day period than before in my life. We had cookouts and cookouts and even more cookouts!

Last Tuesday was my last working day because frankly I couldn't take it any longer. So I was off Wednesday - Friday...and just returned yesterday. And let me say...Tuesdays are worse than Mondays. Don't know why...but they are. I'm tired.

Here's a run-down on my "relaxing" vacation.

Wednesday: Outlet-mall shopped all afternoon. Had to frantically race home to pick up G-Man when we realized it was already 4:30 and I was 45 minutes away. Oh...and I had to pick him up by 5:00. Oops! Then we cooked out that evening and it was a tiring day.

Thursday: Raining and nasty. However, I had promised G-Man we'd go to the zoo and the bread place (aka Panera Bread). So, we got up, got ready, went to Panera, and went to the zoo IN THE POURING DOWN RAIN. No giraffes having sex like the last time. We did get to see (in the rain) an elephant getting a bath, the sharks getting fed and G-Man actually got to feed a non-sexual giraffe.

Came home, both of us took naps (God...I love vacation), we just lounged at home. I did some pre-cook-out-cooking that night and we watched Wipeout. Oh. My. Goodness. You NEED to watch that show. I CRIED AND CRIED with laughter. So watch it tonight. Tuesday. It's good.

Friday: 4th of July. Kinda yucky morning...but it got better. I cooked and cleaned and did all those things. Then we had our friends come over. The kids played in the sprinker, G-Man got his eye poked with a sword (nasty poke since it popped the blood vessels in his eyes and he had a nasty red spot in the white of his eye...but it's better now. Thanks for asking.) and we did fireworks.

Lots and lots of fireworks. Poppers, worms, sparklers, big booming fireworks, and a lot of those nasty black-cat poppy fireworks.

It was fun!

That evening we went downtown to watch the fireworks and G-Man was more interested in the Cheetos than he was with the actual in-the-sky fireworks....but we had a good time.

Out too late....and on our way home G was crying "I just want my beeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddd". Which, he has never done. So, he got home, got in his bed (at 11:30) and we all crashed.

Great day indeed.

Enjoy some photos to capture the day....

Loving the new sprinker....

However he was cold and shivering with the chilly water....

Loved the snap poppers....

Loved the sparklers....(notice the brownie mustache)

Loved the other kind of poppers....(BTW...this is a hideous picture of me...don't look closely)

And lastly....a close-up of his poor eye. GROSS! But...it's gone now and he's fine.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh, poor G-Man's eye... it really doesn't look that bad. Although I bet it hurt like crazy.

Sounds like you guys had a fun, but busy, 4th.

I love the pic of G-Man shivering... hehehe... Oh, and i love the pic of you and G... SOOO cute!

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