Tonight we carved our 3 pumpkins for Halloween. G-Man kept saying "yuck" during the gutting process...and didn't want to touch the gunk. He's such a little prima-donna. But he HAD to wear his Spiderman costume.
After I gutted them all, we picked our templates and started poking holes. All the while I am wondering what ever happened to a sharpie and a steak knife that I used as a child.
Far less safer back then...but way more fun.
So we had templates...and special tools...and all was successful. I did my own (which G then proceeded to stab with every tool we had) and I think it turned out pretty well...except for the gaping wounds it now has.

Travis did his...and for G's I just used a pen and a child-proof knife. By that point...I was done. Over it. Finito.

Travis did his...and for G's I just used a pen and a child-proof knife. By that point...I was done. Over it. Finito.
That's the way it always is. Gung-ho...then bored...then hurried. G-Man was just playing swords with the tools, poking holes with everything imaginable, and wanting to take breaks to eat Halloween candy.

Oh well. It was fun. And I made Travis take pictures inside. I'm using a big-boy flash that my friend is loaning me for the wedding I have next weekend. Getting some practice in.
*I don't want to talk about it because my first wedding as a photographer is giving me hives*
Enjoy! This photo of the pumpkin really doesn't give justice to the 7 holes jabbed into the sides.

So cute! I'm hoping to carve my pumpkin tonight! Mason's gonna be spiderman too! :)
Hey, love the pic of Spiderman and his swords. :-)
We carved pumpkins on Tuesday night at my parents house... would you believe if I told you that I forgot my camera? I couldn't believe it either... anyway, we carved old school... sharpies and steak knives, baby. hahahahaha.
I wouldn't have suspected that a flash was used in these pics. I can't to see the pics from the wedding. You'll have to fill me in on all the secrets for the 'big boy' flash as I have a wedding to shoot in December... EEEK!
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